Tiny Tapeout Course 1st Lesson - Verilog

Paul Campbell - Jan 2023

paul@taniwha.com @moonbaseotago

Course notes

(C) Copyright Moonbase Otago 2023

All rights reserved

Before you start

Install on your laptop:

Linux debian users may just "sudo apt-get iverilog gtkwave" or equivalents for your distro

Things to Learn

  • Simulation vs. Hardware
  • Flops vs combinatorial logic
  • Synchronous Logic
  • Modelling with Verilog

We assume you have some exposure to programming.

Simulation vs. Hardware

Of course our goal here is to make some hardware - in the real world big chips cost millions to make and take many months to be built so our boss wants us to get it right the first time so we start by doing lots of simulation.

Verilog is a language that can be compiled into code for simulation and into a bitstream to program an FPGA, or to gates when we make chips

We call compiling into gates "synthesis"

Flip Flops

A "flip flop" is a digital storage element, each one stores a bit it takes a new value on the rising (or falling edge) of a clock. There are lots of different sorts of flops, really you don't need to know the differences, your synthesis tool will choose the best one for you. The simplest sort of flop is a "D flip flop"

It has a 'D' and a 'Q' output, sometimes there's an inverted copy of the Q output Q-bar or Q*.

When the clock input (the one by the little triangle) rises from 0 to 1 the value at D is copied to Q and Q stays constant until the next time the clock rises again.

So long as the input to D is stable for a short time before the clock changes and for a short time after D flops are reliable. We call these times "setup" and "hold" resp.

Synchronous Logic

Most digital logic consists of a bunch of flops driving some combinatorial logic which in turn is stored in some other flops. In simple circuits all the flops share a single clock.

How fast a circuit goes (how fast its clock can be) depends on the longest path in the logic cloud between flops


We can make things faster by creating pipelines where a problem is broken up into smaller pieces processing twice as much data in each clock

When you're trying to design logic you need to be thinking about the underlying hardware that's being made in terms of clocks and flops/storage


Verilog is one of the more popular hardware design and modelling languages - it looks a lot like C (with begin/end instead of { } )

System Verilog is a newer version of Verilog, we're not learning that today, Verilog is a subset of SV

There are a bunch of Open Source Verilog compilers and interpreters, in particular Icarus Verilog (what we're using today) and Verilator (faster but harder to set up)

Verilog - synthesis vs. testing

We use Verilog to create chips, but we also use it to test our chip models. Mostly we're going to concentrate on the subset of the language that we use for designing chips - we call this the "synthesisable subset"

Verilog can be extended using C (and python/etc) using plugins, these things are not synthesisable - and look like subroutine calls that start with a '$' - for example C stdio can be used in a test fixture using $fopen()/$fread() etc

Verilog - modules

Verilog is an object oriented language - its objects are called 'modules' - unlike most modern object oriented languages Verilog are only created statically at compile/synthesis time - unlike C++ we can't just 'new' up some more gates on the fly

Modules are only connected with wires - here's a simple example

    module invert(input in, output out);

        assign out = !in;


    module buffer(input a, output b);

	wire tmp;
        invert x(.in(a), .out(tmp));
        invert y(.in(tmp), .out(b));


Verilog - modules 2

  • 'module X();' defines a module, can only be defined once
  • 'X name()' instantiates a module, can be instantiated many times
  • 'input a, output b' is a list of wires connecting the module to the outside world - you can also use 'inout' but that's not synthesisable
  • when you instantiate a module you can hook up its inputs and outputs by name - for example '.in(a), .out(tmp)' - you can do it other ways but doing it by name is good practice

Verilog - bits

At its lowest level everything in verilog is a bit, or built from bits - there are two basic sorts:

  • wires - we've already seen these, they're used to connect modules together and to represent combinatorial logic - they are driven from only one place (for synthesisable models) with an 'assign' statement and can be sampled in multiple places.
  • regs - these are more like variables in more traditional languages. They are assigned in a similar way, however they can be used to model both wires and flip-flops - more about this later.
      	wire a, b, c;
      	reg  gg, hh, ii;

      Bits can have 4 different values '0' '1' 'x' and 'z' - x and z mean 'invalid' and 'tristate', we really only care about 'x' - wires that aren't driven, or regs that aren't initialised start with 'x' (not in the real world), x can also be used to tell the synthesis tool when we don't care what it does

Verilog - vectors

regs and wires can be collected into vectors - their size is given by the lowest and highest bit numbers.

We can use [hi:lo] to pick bits out of a vector. And {} to collect bits to make a wider vector

    input [31:0]bus,	       	// 32 bit bus
    output [15:0]hi_byte_data,  // 16 bits

    wire [7:0]hi_byte;		// 8 bits
    reg [7:0]data;
    assign hi_byte = bus[31:16];   // selection lets us pick bits
    assign hi_byte_data = {hi_byte, data}; // {} collects bits 

Verilog - module parameters

When modules are instantiated you can pass in parameters:

    module adder(input [WIDTH-1:0]in1, input [WIDTH-1:0]in2,

        parameter WIDTH=4;	// 4 is the default

        assign out = in1+in2;


        addr #(.WIDTH(8))add8(.in1(in1), ...);

Verilog - constants

Verilog has lots of ways to make constants - you can just use numbers and you get 32-bit wide decimal numbers.

More generally constants are size ' base value

size is the width in bits if omitted the size is 32

base can be one of 'bdoh' for binary/decimal/octal/hex

value is a bunch of appropriate digits or letters for the base, also 'x' or 'z', '_' can be imbedded in values it is ignored


Verilog - expressions

As we mentioned wires are driven with an 'assign' statement - the thing on the left of the '=' must be a wire, a selection of a wire vector or a collection {} of wires

The thing on the right is an expression, much like one you might use in C (so long as you are careful about sizes, including:

  • + - * / % - math
  • & | ^ && || - logic
  • ( ? : ) - mux
  • + - - unary math
  • ~ ! & | ^ - unary logic
  • name[] {,} - bits select/concat
  • name - wire or reg value
  • constant

Some operations (* / %) are very expensive and may not be synthesisable in many places, others (+ and -) should be used with care

Verilog - a test fixture

Interlude - some non synthesisable code:

    module test;
        reg clk, reset;
        initial begin
		reset = 1;
		clk = 0;
		#10 clk = 1;
		#10 clk = 0;
		#10 clk = 1;
		#10 clk = 0; reset = 0;
		forever #10 clk = ~clk;
	model top(.clk(clk), .reset(reset), ....);

'initial' means 'do this at the start'

$dumpfile says store trace data in a file called "test.vcd"

$dumpvars says start storing trace data

#10 means wait 10 time units

forever just means loop forever

Verilog - always statements

OK - this is the most important bits of the whole course many of the rules given in the following pages are constraints to make synthesis work well and are not parts of Verilog itself.

reg variables can be used to model complex combinatorial logic, OR to model flip-flops - we use different types of always statements to signal which

An always statement is part of a module that assigns values to reg variables - 'always' is essentially shorthand for 'initial forever' - synthesisable forms of always are followed by an event wait - there are two basic forms:

    reg r;

    always @(*)
         r = expression;

    always @(posedge clk)
         r <= expression;

Verilog - always @(*)

The @(*) means "wait for something to change that would effect the result"

We use this form of the always statement to model combinatorial logic - note that we always use '=' to assign to regs being used to model combinatorial values.

Each reg used this way must only be in one always statement

Each pass (every path) through the always statement must assign something to the reg - otherwise synthesis will make a spurious latch

Verilog - always @(*) - examples

    wire [7:0]w;	// these are the same
    assign w = a+1;

    reg [7:0]w;
    always @(*) w = a+1;

    reg [7:0]r_w, c_w;	// combinatorial part of a counter
    always @(*) begin
	c_w = r_w;
	if (reset) begin
	    c_w = 0;
	end else
	if (count) begin
	    c_w = r_w+1;


Verilog - always @(posedge clk)

@(posedge clk) is used when we are assigning values to regs that are to be flip-flops - the statements are only executed when the clock signal transitions from 0 to 1

We always use the <= assignments when assigning to regs in these always blocks, never mix = and <=

These always blocks are usually simple, trying to make them too complex can get you into trouble.

We us <= because it helps us make pipelines. When an assignment is executed a copy of what is on the right is made, the assignment to the reg doesn't occur until after all the always statements triggered by that clock edge have been processed

Verilog - always @(posedge clk) - example

    reg [7:0]count;
    always @(posedge clk) begin
        if (reset) begin
            count <= 0;
        end else
        if (step) begin
            count <= count+1;

Verilog - always @(posedge clk) - example

    reg [7:0]a, b, c;

    always @(posedge clk) begin  // these two are the same
        a <= in;
        b <= a;
        c <= b;

    always @(posedge clk) begin
        c <= b;
        b <= a;
        a <= in;

Verilog - statements

Statements are executed in order and are separated by ;

begin/end surround blocks to group statements

if-then or if-then-else can be used to only execute some statements

for and while can be used to iterate over bits - care must be taken to by synthesisable (I seldom use them)

case-endcase and casez-endcase are very useful

    case (exp)
    1: statement-1;
    2: statement-2;
    default: statement-3;

    casez (exp)	// casez allows wild cards
    3'b1??: statement-1;
    3'b01?: statement-2;
    3'b001: statement-3;
    default: statement-4;

Verilog - Summary

Combinatorial logic:

  • declare wires, use "assign wire = expression", or
  • declare regs, uses "always @(*) statements", assign to regs with "=", define every output in every path through the code


  • declare regs, use "always @(posedge clk) statements", assign to regs with "<="

Verilog - best practices

We're about done - some quick notes about best practices:

  • Create a top level model for testing, often the next level down just describes the pads
  • Just one clock, one edge, for all flops - if you are going to have multiple clocks you need to learn about metastability and all that is evil
  • Assign your flops in a single always statement, calculate what you're going to assign to them in another
  • Name your flops and the signals being set up to assign to them using a meaningful convention, I use r_* for flops and c_* for the combinatorial values being assigned to them
  • Assign the previous value of a flop (c_X = r_X) at the beginning of the combinatorial always block to avoid accidentally creating latches

Verilog - best practices

module count(input clk, input reset, input count,

    parameter WIDTH=8;
    reg [WIDTH-1:0]r_w, c_w;
    assign out = r_w;

    always @(*) begin
	c_w = r_w;
	if (reset) begin
	    c_w = 0;
	end else
	if (count) begin
	    c_w = r_w+1;

    always @(posedge clk) begin
	r_w <= c_w;



Verilog - exercises

  • Using Icarus verilog, compile the test fixture example without the embedded model use "iverilog test.v -o test", run it for a while, type ^C and enter "$finish". Run "gtkwave test.vcd" to look at the results
  • Embed the count module from the previous page in the test fixture, hook up the clock and reset, assign a 1 to the count input and run it, look at the waves.
  • For next week - design something to put in an FPGA - your top level will need a clock in and an inverted reset in, and can use: 4 push buttons in, 4 switches in and 4 leds out and 4 RGB leds (3 pins each)